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6 Halloween Hazards to Watch Out For

Halloween is fun for kids and grown-ups alike. But it’s also full of scary (and dangerous) traps for the unwary. Watch out for these common hazards:

  1. Candles: Use glow sticks or battery-operated lights rather than candles in jack-o’-lanterns and luminaria. Candles can create fire hazards, especially when they’re in the path of young trick-or-treaters.
  2. Traffic: Trick-or-treating often happens after dark, and kids are often more focused on their candy hauls than their surroundings. Make sure children have reflective gear and/or flashlights. Accompany young children on their neighborhood rounds. Have older kids go out in pairs or groups.
  3. Costumes: Avoid costumes made from highly flammable materials. And watch out for hoods or masks that could obstruct a child’s vision.
  4. Tripping hazards: Some hazards can’t be easily removed, like uneven pavement. But you can use barriers or lighting to make areas safer. You may know to avoid that wobbly step by your front door, but trick-or-treaters won’t.
  5. Pets: Keep pets inside, away from trick-or-treaters. And when you’re trick-or-treating, keep an eye out for neighborhood dogs who haven’t been kept inside. They may be skittish and more apt to be aggressive.
  6. Parties: If you’re throwing a grown-up bash that involves alcohol, host responsibly and look out for guests who may have over-imbibed. Have them spend the night or coordinate a safe ride home.